Questions asked in the last 24 hours
What We're Building
Post questions with a title, description and tags - anonymously if preferred
Show shared interest and find people facing the same challenges
Link profiles to LinkedIn and Calendly for direct connections
Link profiles to LinkedIn and Calendly for direct connections.
Where you find the people who matter to you!
With tens of thousands of people at a conference, finding the right contacts can be hit-or-miss.
Our idea: a Q&A-style platform connecting people around shared challenges and expertise.
If you're up for building something useful over the weekend, join us! Devs, designers, marketers and more-all are welcome.
Reach out if this resonates.
Let us know how you can help.
Join the community on WhatsApp
Who wants a T-Shirt for this #Startup?
Built in 24 hours by 100 people who never met before!
Free T-shirts for:
- - Most creative social media post.
- - Most shared/liked/engaged posts.
- - BEST question asked on thesummeet.com
A few people offered to buy us some T-shirts. Payments directly to the printer. If anyone wants to chip in tell us in the WhatsApp community page.
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